Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

This is me and Phillip's fifth Valentine's Day. Which makes me feel kinda super old. But anyway. 

So, I'll tell you all about how Valentine's Day went later. This is not that post.
You can read all about last year's adventures here.

So, this year I decided to be all fancy for dinner. I went shopping and discovered that Kroger had lobsters for $5. Yes, you heard that right. So I bought them. They came precooked and frozen. Do I know how to cook lobster? No. Do I know any lobster recipies? No. So, naturally, I had this all planned out reallllly well. 

I figured I was a smart girl and could figure this out. I could make lobster ravioli or make a garlic-butter dipping sauce. And so tonight I unwrapped and thawed them out. And discovered that I had a problem. 
So, if you know me, you know I have some issues. I'm that girl who feels bad if she steps on a snail and who sobs in movies if the animal dies (not always if people die, ALWAYS if animals die). I have come pretty close to giving up beef because cows are so freaking adorable. So call me silly or whatever, but this is how I work. So, as you can imagine, I don't handle things that LOOK BACK AT ME very well. THEY. HAVE. FACES. AND EYES.

So, I cooked the potatoes instead. I can handle potatoes. And instead of coming home from work to a nicely prepared dinner, Phillip will be coming home to some lobsters and a frazzled wife who needs him to cook the main course. But he'll love me anyway. 

Side note: Want to know why I love my friends? I was telling this story to my love Hannah, and this is her response: 
"Do they still have heads? Do they still have the claws? Do you need me to come over and cut off the heads? Because I will come over and guillotine the cap out of them."
Be jealous. 


  1. I believe the exact quote was "I will come over and guillotine the *crap* out of them" and You know that I would totally do that in a heart beat for you!!!

  2. at least they were already cooked. i don't think i could handle that part either! hope you guys had a fabulous valentine's dinner!
