Monday, April 18, 2011


So, I'm not so hot at the whole organization thing. I'm slightly too right brained. I do try though. And, to be fair, I know where everything is. Just my system makes no sense to anyone else in their right mind. I'm okay with this.
Nonetheless: I had no place for mail. Which meant I lost things. Which meant I annoyed the hubs. Change had to be made. And because the mail sorters I like are expensive and I am poor, I decided to make one.
And I had to buy NOTHING. You heard that right. This project was FAH-REE!
(Note: It's only free if you are me and hoard things that go on sale at Hobby Lobby because you get a discount. It might cost you like... $3. Still a good deal though.)

How to make a Mail Sorter
(To make your husband less mad at you)

You will need all this stuff:
Scrapbook paper, Modpodge, glue gun, shoe box, scissors. Optional: Fabric.

Cut your shoebox (I started with the lid, you don't have to) like so:

Measure it to the size of an envelope.
Draw a line where the edge was:


And there you go.

Repeat with the shoebox.
Podge paper all over that sucker. I did alternating strips of black and white paper. Don't measure, just wrap the excess underneath the box. I added a cute paper flower to the lid. Tutorial here.

Sorry, I didn't take good pictures of this part. I was in the zone. Using another shoebox or some other form of cardboard (in my case, a pizza box), measure and cut dividers that fit inside the box. I decided to cover the inside of my box in contrasting jersey fabric I had leftover from some hair flowers. Yes, you can podge fabric. Just like you do paper. Why did I use fabric? Because it was there and I didn't have enough blue paper. And I liked the blue.

I added a blue strip of paper across the top of my box to finish of the edge (the edges weren't pretty). I also added the word "Mail" to the outside. I did that by cutting strips of paper and curling them just like you would ribbon, forming letters with a few pieces, and gluing them in place. Tedious? Yes. Super cool and totally worth it? Indeed.

I wasn't smart, and my lid didn't fit on my box when I was done. But I actually liked them stacked way better, so it worked out. Let your box dry, and there you go! Beautiful!
I added a little ceramic bird I had laying around. Because I like birds.

If you have a free Saturday afternoon, I would definitely tell you to make one. I love projects you can finish in less than a couple hours! Instant gratification.
What do you think??

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sweet Home...

We found an apartment!
I'm not going to put my address on the internet, because that seems like not a great idea.
However, it has:
2 bedrooms
2 walk in closets
2 bathrooms with soaker tubs
crown molding
9 foot ceilings
And it looks like this:
I will be posting soon about a home made mail sorter and about 308245 recipies.
In the mean time, enjoy this video of my dog adorably chasing a cricket.

Friday, April 8, 2011


So, it is official:
Phillip will start a management position with a company he interned with last summer on June 1st.
He was originally planning to get his master's, but the job is really too cool to turn down. He can always do his masters online, anyway.

Which means:
We are moving! Which is exciting, because we can afford a way better apartment (hardwood floors, granite counter tops, garden tubs, crown molding, I AM SO ECXITED!). Also because I get to decorate a whole new apartment! And I love me some decorating. It is also lame, because I hate moving. A lot. I'm pretty sure its my least favorite thing in the world (I have heavy furniture). Especially in the summer, because I also hate getting all sweaty and gross.

I'm pretty sure I'm investing in movers. $200 not to sweat and haul gigantoid things up possible multiple flights of stairs? Prettty sure its worth it.

More posts to come, but an update was needed.

Also, check this out.