Thursday, September 8, 2011

Etsy? What?

So, as you may have noticed, there have been changes to the blog here. I added an etsy bar to the bottom of the page down there. Because:

After much thought and stressing and crafting, I now have my very own shop: Magnolia Park.
Here's the story: I love making hair flowers, and wear them to work every day. Seriously. It got to the point where I had one for every outfit I own (which is a lot, I have a problem) and then some. Which is more than any human could possibly ever wear. And after making 245904857, I have gotten rather good at it. I started with basic internet tutorials, and eventually came up with my own designs (which are super rad, by the way). SO: I am selling them. So I don't wind up drowning in a pile of pretty fabric flowers and wind up on one of those hoarding shows.

So, I will be doing some hopeless self promotion, but you love me anyway.
Check out the shop, I have some nifty things. And if you don't need any at the moment, tell someone who does!
I am also going to be making some to send to people free of charge if they promise to wear it and advertise for me all the time. Well... most of the time. Sleeping in flowers is inadvisable. Also showering. Interested?

ANYWAY: go check it out. I'm proud of it :)

1 comment:

  1. i am SO impressed, arli! the flowers look seriously amazing!
