Monday, September 20, 2010

Really good reasons I don't have more wedding pictures up yet:

1. My computer died. As in it's really, really dead. Won't turn on dead. Please note that this hurts my heart.

2. I have been sick at least 3 times now since apparently, children are disgusting and don't wash their hands. I do say this in the most loving way possible.

3. Note, one of these aforementioned sicknesses involved a bacterial infection in my cornea. Don't ask me how I got it, because I don't know and my doctor doesn't like to talk or tell me things, which is lame. But, it involved my eye swelling shut and having no vision for a while, which was terrifying.

4. Student teaching is life consuming.

5. I have had house guests about 4 times now. Which I LOVE, but it cuts down on some free time.

I'll try to get some more up tonight though!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you've been sick so often! That is such a bummer. I hope student teaching is going well - I can't believe you're almost a college graduate!
